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Case Study Breakdown

How Our Advertising Package Brought in More Estimate Requests

Client's Needs and Business Goal

  • Brand new paving manufacturer made a big investment in time & equipment to start their business, racking up expenses.
  • They needed to start receiving lots of estimate requests for paving services FAST.
  • This would line them up with work before the asphalt plants opened up in the spring so they could cover their initial business expenses.
Build Your List and Create Your Value Propositions

The Plan: Grab the Attention of Homeowners

Through Paid Social Media Advertising

  • We put social media advertisements in front of people who owned homes that were at just the right age to need a new driveway.
  • The advertisement included a 10% discount for paving services as long as the homeowner signed up for a free estimate on the spot.
  • This instantly put the paving company in front of the right types of people who may have not even been thinking about their driveway yet since it was winter.

The Outcome:

After launching our product in 2021, our client immediately began receiving daily estimate requests from homeowners in their area of service. The chart below shows a snapshot of the estimate requests over a short time period. They received about 2½ estimate requests per day in this period that came directly from our product.

Put this process to work for your company

and only pay for the estimate requests you get

You’ve seen the stats. Our product can help your paving business grow, even in the off-season. To learn more, tell us a little about your paving company so we can get a handle on what it takes to go after your market – Act fast, we’re only going to work with one paving company per city!

Get More Estimate Requests

Target with Digital Marketing

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