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"We have gone from being very marginal to being on fire"

A Manufacturer's Success Story by webSURGE

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Hansford Parts and Products

Increased Leads Through Digital Efforts


A website should be written and structured so that the company’s value and capabilities are undoubtedly clear, and it’s easy for the visitor to navigate.


Search Engine Optimization increases the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

Paid Search

Paid search allows a business to target specific people in specific areas when they are searching with very specific words.

Our products business, which was sound asleep, is now wide awake and is carrying Hansford Parts and Products.

Bruce Ferguson, Hansford Parts and Products CEO


Engineers and manufacturing shop owners are busy and don’t have time to read through pages of irrelevant text in order to find the answers to their questions.

The Hansford website was written and structured so that the company’s value and capabilities are undoubtedly clear, and it’s easy for the visitor to navigate to the key sections of the websites.

Too often, marketers will try to get too cute with positioning statements, fancy graphics, too many buttons – you name it. In reality, most website visitors – especially in business situations – want clear and simple websites with no unnecessary bells or whistles. They want answers.

Hansford Parts and Products website screenshot


We created rich content centered around Hansford’s most important keywords, the words that their target market would be using when searching for manufacturing equipment solutions with search engines.

We also used a wide array of technical on-page and off-page SEO tactics to bolster their rankings in the search engines and drive organic traffic (traffic that finds a website through search engines) to the website.

Pairing organic SEO with Paid Search is a smart way to achieve both long- and short-term success.

Paid Search

While SEO helps a website gets traffic from pretty much anyone who is using the search engine, paid search is a tactic that allows a business to target specific people in specific areas when they are searching with very specific words.

Simply put, it takes some time to dominate the search engine across the country with SEO – but with paid search, you can do it tomorrow (depending on your advertising budget, of course).

This can be useful when you are trying to target highly competitive terms or industries, specific locations, and locations far away from your headquarters. It’s also useful when you have a new website or have a new product offering, and you haven’t achieved SEO dominance yet.

Hansford Paid Search

Since engaging with webSURGE, Hansford has:

1. Resurrected a
Dying Product Line

2. Created New Income That Now Carries the Company Financially

3. Doubled in Size, and Even Purchased Another Company

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